One Year At Apologue FX

Edmond&Lucy picture

Brief history of who we are

Apologue FX was an Idea that germinated in the head of Quentin and myself when we were doing freelance work for a while. We had increasing demands, but we were only two people to answer all of them, so naturally, we started to investigate the idea of a structure that would later become Apologue FX.

It's been one year since we began this adventure with Quentin and we are now 4 people at Apologue FX working hard to achieve great projects that stimulates us and with this workforce growing, we are able to answer better to the demands over time.

it's been a challenging year, with all the paperwork and responsabilites coming with a studios, while still working for clients in the day to day, but we are very proud of what we could accomplish in this rather short period of time !

Client work for this first year

We had a lot of work this year, as there were a lot of overlap between projects until it resolved in a bit of a smoother ride.
We had the opportunity to ship one TV show made entirely in Unity in real time, and a big DLC of a games. Along that, we we worked on other projects during this year, that are not released yet, but some of them are announced !

Here the list of everything we made this year that we can show :

- Prince of persiA™ : The Lost Crown - Naheulbeuk's Dungeon MAster- Edmond & LucyThumbnail of the game The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk- The Dungeon of naheulbeuk :
back to the Futon

Apologue FX evolution during the Year

We had a lot of things to do during this first year, for instance, all the social network presence and the website that we did in parallel with our client work. Fortunatly, we had the immense help of Gwendoline Ronin.

She did all the graphic chart of the studio, as well as the major part of the website design and implementation, and for that, we are so grateful, we love the results !

We tried to build a presence on the diverse social media, it's hard and way out of our skills, but it's fun sometimes to show the world what we do !

We also had the pleasure these last months to welcome in our team 2 juniors VFX artists that are so motivated and great to work with, and who help us make more projects, we can't wait to show you what they are working on !

What's next ?

We are slowly entering in our second year of Activity, and we have some great projects ongoing, from AAA to indie game and VR projects ! We can't wait to show you.

We are determined to grow stronger, both in workforce and in skills.
If you are a fellow VFX artist eager to work with us, do not hesitate to visit our Career. page !

If you'd like to work with us for one of your projects, you can learn more about our services in our About. page, and you can contact us, we would be delighted to learn more from you !

From all of us at Apologue FX, have a great summer.

Thanks for reading,

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